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Where does our menu come from?


..a traditional dish from the south, meaning  ‘little oranges’ in Italian and is made of balls of arborio  rice and a flavoured filling, the recipe chosen is Sicilian.



...a roasted pork dish from the Lazio region, it can be traced back to the 15th century. This dish is typically served at a banquet with potatoes or bread. 



...a classic Italian dumpling, recipes involving cream sauces are from northern regions; those using butter and cheese often derive from central regions 


Neapolitan Pastiera

...a traditional Easter cake from Naples, in the Campania region.

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Tired of Bella Italia's, Mama Mias, La Cucinas and many more Italian restaurants in Oxford? 
Try L'Italia Autentica
A hospitality Students project aiming to bring the true Italian cuisine into Oxford.
Forget the pasta, bring the real food!

“Exploring the true nature of the authentic taste of Italy.  With every course our guests will be taken through the regions of Italy, bringing the wonder and complexity of Italy to Brooke’s restaurant. This enriching and educating experience will make you leave with a full mind and body.”

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